free yourself from rules that keep you small & embody the spiritual 6-figure entrepreneur you are destined to be

This course is not like any other course you may have taken. 

This is a 6-month supportive group coaching program designed to reprogram and transform your subconscious mind that will take you from self doubt and self sabotaging your success to confidently sharing your truth and magnetizing soul clients with ease.


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It's time to get off the emotional rollercoaster of doubt, step into your power, and follow your soul's path

For the woman who is ready to let go of the identity that she isn't good, worthy, or capable enough and finally manifest all of her desires 

this program takes everything you think you know about creating a successful business and turns it upside down.

You will learn truths that you wish you had been taught years ago and will make your head explode.

For the woman who is ready to let go of the thoughts that she isn't good, worthy, perfect, or capable enough and finally manifest all of her desires 

♦Discover how to create what you desire and stay in forward momentum regardless of what is happening in your external world

♦Learn how to regulate your nervous system and receive guidance from your higher self and your guides

♦Learn how to bring your 3 conscious minds into coherence and how they support you during an up level 

♦Embody your new 6-figure identity and teach your mind and body before it manifests so you keep it and continue to expand

♦Learn power tools to regulate your emotions and release beliefs that no longer serve you moment-to-moment as shift and expand

♦Integrate the parts of you that you hide or shy away from to find your hidden gifts and become whole 

♦And so much more...

We think that if we can create a business that brings in multi 6-figures, then we will have what we want. Like the dream car, the house, the freedom to travel, the clothes, time to go to the spa and get a massage, time to meet up with friends in the morning, and everything else in between that you can't do right now because you are building a business.

To have that kind of success, we think we need to be on social media all day every day, run ads, make sales calls, have a funnel, high ticket offers, group programs, ideal client conversations, send really good emails, grow our list, add followers and on and on.

But here's the first truth, success doesn't solve our problems and to reach that level of success we don't need to fix who you are or be someone we're not. 

Being successful is neutral. The idea that we need to wait to have, do, or be what we want when we are successful is flawed. And the idea that you need to do any of it a certain way is wrong.

All of this comes down to old childish programming that is still playing out in your life today. Now, bear with me on this because I'm going to explain.

Maybe you're asking....So how do I fix it then?

Success is the representation of the ONE thing you wanted and needed as a child to survive and belong...LOVE.

And to receive love from the adults in your life you had to be or act in a certain way. Maybe Mom showed you love when you were a perfect angel or Dad showed you love when you played an amazing soccer game.

And you learned that their love was conditional. So, you tried to be perfect, enough, worthy, capable, or significant to get the only thing that mattered to you at the time...LOVE.

So, now as an adult, without even realizing it, your whole identity is wrapped up in trying to be a certain way to get what you want which is now success. Because deep down you believe that success will make you more loveable.

BUT in order to be any of those things you have to deny who you are at a soul level - you must fit into the box of other people's ideas of success. Just like in your childhood there were conditions to receiving what you wanted (love) and when you were being you in your fullest expressed self, you were too much for the adults in your life. 

It's not about having a successful business, it's about freeing yourself from the rules and loving yourself for ALL the quirky unique ways and not caring what anyone else thinks. When you show up in your fullest essence and soul embodiment you will attract success to you like a magnet.

When you make this shift you become a magnet...

The real truth about success that no one is teaching...

it's time to unleash your fullest potential & follow your soul's path to success


Weekly 60 minute coaching sessions for integration, processes, support, and coaching

14 in-depth modules to be released throughout for you to learn, integrate, & embody

♦A private Facebook group of other purpose driven women who will support you along the way
A private Telegram group to ask me anything and get support

Activations, meditations, superconscious recodes, breathwork sessions as well as many other processes and techniques throughout for you to connect, receive & transform

BONUS #1:personalized Gene Keys Report with journal prompts and affirmations will be sent o you before you get started (valued at $129)

An intuitive oracle card reading to give you a 6-month look at what's in store for you as you take this journey (valued at $149)

SPECIAL FAST ACTION BONUS: One month FREE or $555 off through the month of May using code FREEMONTH

as a special BONUS you will receive:

♦MODULE 1 - Unleash you power & own your brilliance
♦MODULE 2 - Upleveling & infinite possibilities
♦MODULE 3 - Authentically leading yourself
♦MODULE 4 - Magnetizing your desires
♦MODULE 5 - Being seen as your truest self
♦MODULE 6 - Your spiritual evolution & staying grounded
♦MODULE 7 - Shining your light in the world
♦MODULE 8 - Speaking your truth to manifest your desires
♦MODULE 9 - Being a magnet for soul clients
♦MODULE 10 - Stepping into your power & prioritizing love & joy
♦MODULE 11 - Embody & share your highest calling
♦MODULE 12 - Fulfill your soul's purpose while creating wealth
♦MODULE 13 - Vibrate at your highest frequency as you expand
♦MODULE 14 - Wrap Up & Celebration

module breakdown:



Phase 1 - Come Back To Your Truth

 - RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - Learn how to use my signature RIM method for releasing self-sabotaging patterns & limiting beliefs

- PROCESS - Conflicting parts meditation to integrate the parts so you can flow to your desires with ease

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Why you feel discomfort when we uplevel and how to move in the direction of what you desire
∆ Lesson 2: How to integrate all parts of you and remove resistance
∆ Lesson 3: The power of choice, 4 core choices, and daily embodiment of your vision



- BIGGER VISION ACTIVATION to connect you to your highest timeline and receive guidance as you move toward what you desire

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: 10 ways to unleash your fullest potential & own your brilliance
∆ Lesson 2:
 The 3 aspects of our consciousness
∆ Lesson 3: The journey back to you
∆ Lesson 4: Creating success with ease
∆ Lesson 5: Tapping into the quantum realm of infinite possibilities
∆ Lesson 6: Connecting into your bigger vision

unleash your power & own your brilliance


- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - To release the fear of failure and the fear of success

- DAILY CREATION ACTIVATION - Learn how to consistently take aligned action toward your bigger vision

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Becoming a magnet for what you desire

∆ Lesson 2: Staying on the leading edge of creation

∆ Lesson 3: The power of neutrality and how to get into a neutral state



- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - Joy is safe to experience and removing the fear of worthiness

- ANCHOR - Set an anchor of excitement to get out of bed and make your vision a reality

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: The power of the small, creating your ideal day, & being in the present moment

∆ Lesson 2: Regulating your nervous system, tools to slow down, and taking care of yourself

∆ Lesson 3: Creating boundaries for your physical, energetic, emotional, and mental bodies

authentically leading yourself


Phase 2 - Your Soul's Purpose & Alignment


- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - To release imposter syndrome as you shift to doing your soul's work

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Shining the light on patterns that no longer serve you & releasing them

∆ Lesson 2: Balancing your feminine & masculine energies

∆ Lesson 3: Evolution Gene Key & Root Chakra

∆ Lesson 4: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

your spiritual evolution & staying grounded


 - NEGATIVE BELIEF FLIP -  Remove a negative belief that is keeping you stuck

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: How to shift any belief that stops you from creating your bigger vision

∆ Lesson 2: Life Work/Brand Gene Key & Sacral Chakra

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

being seen as your truest self


- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - Release the fear of speaking your truth and fear of showing up as a powerful leader

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Embody and energetically align with speaking your truth

∆ Lesson 2: Stepping up as a powerful leader in your business 

∆ Lesson 3: Purpose Gene Key & Throat Chakra

∆ Lesson 4: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

Speaking your truth & Being a leader


In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Creating trust in your intuition and the messages you receive so that your actions become more potent

∆ Lesson 2: Radiance Gene Key & Crown Chakra

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

shining your light in the world


- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - Releasing the fear of failure and the fear of success

Phase 3 - Joy & Love


- FAMILY ENTANGLEMENT PROCESSES - Release generational patterns and beliefs that hold you back with the family dinner table process

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Embody your self-realized leader style

∆ Lesson 2: Gratitude and finding love and joy in everyday life.

∆ Lesson 2: IQ, EQ, & SQ Gene Key & Heart Chakra

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect



 - INTUITION ACTIVATION - Activate your natural intuitive abilities to receive clearer guidance

- FAMILY ENTANGLEMENT PROCESSES - Release generational patterns and beliefs that hold you back with the family bleachers process

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Connect more deeply with your intuition and receive messages from source

∆ Lesson 2: Attraction Gene Key & Heart Chakra

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

being a magnetic for soul clients


Phase 4 - Wealth & Fulfillment

- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - Create a new belief about having total abundance in this lifetime

- PROCESS - Neutralize money with the perception shift of money

- EXERCISE - Determine and identify what it means to have more than enough money

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Align to how you create wealth using your gene keys, shift your perception of money, and unlock your ability to create wealth

∆ Lesson 2: Culture Gene Key & Solar Plexus Chakra

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect



- RAPID INTEGRATION METHOD™ - Releasing the fear of working hard to make money

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Trust in the intuitive messages you receive from source so that the aligned action you take become more potent

∆ Lesson 2: Vocation/Core Wound Gene Key & Third Eye Chakra

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

∆ Lesson 4: Creating or upleveling your offers to bring all of your unique gifts to your clients for bigger transformations

EMBODY & sharE your higher calling



 - BREATHWORK - Facilitated breathwork session

In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Adjusting your schedule to allow for consistency and magic to flow

∆ Lesson 2: Embracing the ebbs and flows of life as you uplevel



In this module we will cover:

∆ Lesson 1: Create your unique intuitively guided spiritual practice to support you in your expansion

∆ Lesson 2: Pearl Gene Key

∆ Lesson 3: Gene Key uncover, integrate, and reflect

vibrate at your highest frequency as you expand



Ditch the rules, integrate your shadow, & unlock the magic your soul is meant to share.

Own and powerfully speak your truth without fear of judgement so you can create wealth with joy and ease.

After The Ultimate Freedom Formula You will:


Calibrate your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental energetic bodies, regulate your nervous system, and become present for more joy, abundance, and ease.

Confidently rewire old patterns and beliefs moment-by-moment as you uplevel.


Learn how to connect to your higher self, source energy, and your superconscious field.

As a superconscious creator you will tap into your intuition, take action from your highest timeline, and live a life of true freedom.

(and so much more)


✔️You’re ready to feel purposeful & fulfilled in your business, show up authentically, & align with your soul's path for more wealth with joy & ease.

✔️ You're ready to learn how to reprogram your limiting beliefs and uplevel without self-sabotaging or losing momentum. 

✔️ You’re ready to embrace your uniqueness and share your gifts unapologetically with the world.

✔️ You're ready to live your life fully, confidently blaze your own trail, create huge transformations for you clients, and create a positive ripple effect of change for your family and generations to come.

This is for you if...

Freedom is not in what we GET
it is in who we BE

You'll have daily access to Ashley via the Private Facebook and Telegram Groups where you can seek feedback, ask questions, and be supported the entire time.

Every week there will be a live group coaching call to get get all of your questions answered and receive support on any parts of the program covered thus far. Some of the calls will include a facilitated breathwork session to integrate the shifts you are making. Some will include processes to release and uplevel.

Every other week, one or more modules will be uploaded into the portal. If they are recorded live and you attend, Ashley may use you as an example in her training. Replays will be available for you to watch at anytime.

How it works 

You will have the tools you need to rewire beliefs that no longer support you on a moment-to-moment basis. These are the tools that create forward momentum no matter how far you expand beyond your current reality. Self sabotage that keeps you down for days and weeks will be a thing of the past.

You will not just learn but you will be taking inspired action along the way and getting support as you uplevel and expand all areas of your life (because everything is connected) to elevate to a new vibration and fequency.

We will not focus on fixing your problems. The majority of programs start here but it only keeps you in a cycle of fixing. In this container, you are always brought back to the truth that you are already a superconscious creator who is not broken and has all the answers.

why this is different 


In 2016, after 3 years of running my business, I hit rock bottom and experienced depression and burnout. It was my dark night of the soul that started me on my spiritual awakening. 

5 years later, after spending tens of thousands on courses, books, and programs I woke up to the truth that everything I was doing was in hopes of fixing myself and the truth was that I was not broken. I was learning a lot but none of it was creating the real change I desired in my life. 

What I realized? 
My soul’s purpose, my happiness, my power, and my gifts were all inside to me already. And that instead of trying to fix it, I needed support to embody it.

Now, I help other high achieving women do the same wiht my group coaching program, The Ultimate Freedom Formula. A sacred and supportive space to align with their soul’s purpose and live life fully on their terms.

Hi, I'm Ashley
Here's why I created The Ultimate Freedom Formula 

“What I love about working with Ashley is her ability to not only hold the space for me to explore the values I’d held in the past but her expert guidance in really assisting me to clearly delineate and prioritize my future values so I can stay on track with my true nature and purpose and living a life I love. Along with her caring nature, she has a wealth of background experience to draw from during our sessions.”
— Susan R.

She can hold the space for me to explore the values I’d held in the past but her expert guidance in really assisting me to clearly delineate and prioritize my future values

“Ashley was wonderful to work with! Her extensive knowledge of mindset and how it directly impacts our outcomes was enlivening. She helped me to feel centered and calm, so I could access the parts of my brain that needed rewiring and healing. I highly recommend scheduling a session with Ashley so you can experience this modality for yourself.”
— Laura O.

Her extensive knowledge of mindset and how it directly impacts our outcomes was enlivening.

“During the recode session with Ashley something magical happened and I’m not sure I can put it into words. What I can say is thank you, Ashley, because I’m not sure I will ever be the same. You helped me get over a block that changed my entire demeanor. It’s like she broke down the brick wall that was hiding the “true” me. I left the session feeling worthy, knowing my value, and no longer scared nor intimidated about asking for what I deserve.”
— Dr. Stefany J.

You helped me get over a block that changed my entire demeanor. It’s like she broke down the brick wall that was hiding the “true” me.

“We have had an awesome experience being coached by Ashley Haas. Her enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion has helped us greatly in growing our business. We are excited and looking forward to what the future brings.”
— Chris M.

Her enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion has helped us greatly in growing our business.

“Ashley has been extremely helpful to me and my business. She has a fun, vibrant personality and an extraordinary ability to help people achieve their goals. Highly recommend.”
— Johnathan S.

She has a fun, vibrant personality & an extraordinary ability to help people achieve their goals

“Before working with Ashley I had so much anxiety over starting each and every project because it never went as planned. But in working with Ashley, I realized it is because I was never thinking this through in a way that would lead to success. NOW.... I can’t wait because the entire project is laid out in a way that I can actually manage. ”
— Crystal S.

in working with Ashley, I realized it is because I was never thinking this through in a way that would lead to success.

“Ashley Haas is great to work with! She provided me with some much-needed coaching […] to help me gain clarity in my business. She helped me take several ideas, issues, and questions and make changes and set a clear goal. Since working with her, I have gained time back in my days and also seen a lot of growth. I definitely recommend working with her if you get the opportunity!”
— Meagan W.

Since working with her, I have gained time back in my days and also seen a lot of growth. 

“I believe that when someone starts something and wants to do it the right way, often times it can be overwhelming. Having a coach and the support she can provide is a great experience in many areas. Ashley helped me to think deeper and reflect on “me”, not just my business goals.”
— Reka C.


"On my session with Ashley, I felt completely seen and heard. She listened and from a place of total presence, Ashley guided me into a palpable mindset shift. I highly recommend her work, she is a gift!"
— Kristy G.


“Ashley has powerful insight and coaching skills, and can truly help overcome obstacles, hurdles, and stuck points!”
— Tammy C.

She can truly help overcome obstacles, hurdles, and stuck points!

"Ashley has been nothing short of a miracle for both me personally and my business. I cannot recommend her enough. She has single handedly brought direction, organization, growth, and profitability to my company in a very short amount of time. Without an ounce of doubt in my mind, Ashley has been the missing piece of my business and helped train me and my team and set us up for years and years of success. We will continue to use Ashley and her services for years to come to help us continue to grow and improve our overall company and profitability. She is an amazing person, thank you for everything you have ever done for me and my business Ashley!"
— Evan W.

Ashley has been nothing short of a miracle for both me personally and my business. I cannot recommend her enough

“I was in a slump before working with Ashley but after only a few sessions she opened me up to possibilities I didn't know were available to me that totally changed my life. She helped me stay centered and positive so that I could receive more easily instead of focusing on everything that was wrong with my life. After one month I manifested my dream apartment at half price and I'm finally living my dream of living in NYC. Thank you Ashley, I highly recommend your work. It is magical”
— Lark E.

the mindset shift I Had after working with Ashley opened up possibilities I didn't know were available to me. 

Client Love